This section assumes that you have complete all of the pre-requisites needed to start generating your schedule. Please refer to the VP-EDU Dashboard section that will guide you about required tasks that needed to be completed.
This page will explain the process for getting your schedule out each week
To create a new schedule, simply click on Schedules & Assignments in the left side nav bar, then click Create New Schedule. A new schedule will be generated which adds one or more new weeks to the schedule, depending on how long it has been since you last created a new schedule. For example, if your club meeting was last night and you click Create New Schedule today, a new 4th week will be added to the existing schedule. If your club profile requires a 6 week schedule, a new week will be added to that version.
If it has been 2 weeks since you last created new schedule, then 2 new weeks will be added to the schedule. The weeks which were previously created but have not arrived yet will be unchanged.
TODO: Image here...
Once a new schedule is created, you have buttons at the bottom of the page allowing you to Regenerate the schedule (start over), or Save & Modify. If you select Save & Modify, the current schedule will be saved but NOT PUBLISHED yet. This gives you a chance to make any manual changes you feel are necessary (e.g. you just learned about a member who will be absent that week, but has not entered their absence in TMClubSchedule yet).
Once you've made your manual changes, then you will have a button option to PUBLISH the schedule. Publishing the schedule generates an automated email to every member on the schedule, with a summary of their assignments and the dates those assignments apply to.