Before we go into technical details on how to manage members, this section will provide an overview of the terminology and flow of managing members in TMClubSchedule.
In TMClubSchedule, there are 2 (two) types of user accounts:
The VP-Education account is the person in charge for managing club's related data for scheduling, such as managing members, absences, roles, club's holidays, and of-course creating and managing schedule.
VP-Education can also promote other members to become VP-Education.
When logging in, VP-Education will be redirected to VP-Education Dashboard, area where you can perform various administration tasks.
When you register your club in TMClubSchedule, the email address you submit during registration will be automatically registered as first VP-Education account.
Club Members
This is regular club members, can access their personal dashboard, updating their profile, recording absence request, view and interact with current schedule/assignment.
Both VP-Educations and Club Members will be included as candidates for schedule assignments.
VP-Educations can mark its members as active or inactive.
Flagging members as inactive means for when there are members that will not be available for assignments for a long time to come, but still has possibilities that they will come back to the club.
Members that flagged as inactive will be excluded from election for schedule assignments.